Customer Testimonials

Are you getting the most value for your work comp dollar?

You should be – and your work comp carrier should be by your side to help. Choosing the best workers’ compensation carrier can be a daunting task but, with ICW Group you’ll know you’ve made the right choice. If you’re looking for a carrier who puts you first, look to ICW Group.

Brian Talley of Talley Vineyards' customer testimonial page.

Talley Vineyards

Brian Talley
Arroyo Grande, CA

Brian Talley is committed to the legacy of quality his grandfather built. After a poor experience with a different carrier that he chose based on price, his agent suggested he go with ICW Group. Its robust safety program helps him continue a fundamental part of his family’s legacy—the way they care for employees.

Walt Lynch of Lynch Ambulance's customer testimonial page.

Lynch Ambulance

Walt Lynch
Covina, CA

Being an emergency responder is a dangerous job. After struggling with several claims per month, CEO Walt Lynch decided to partner with his agent and ICW Group to build a culture of safety—ultimately lowering his ex-mod from 118 to 86. Thanks to the new safety efforts, he knows his team is going home safely to their families.

Chris Buday of McCracken Label Company's customer testimonial page.

McCracken Label Company

Chris Buday
Director of Operations
Chicago, IL

Chris’ business has machines that print ink on paper rollers at 350 feet per minute—creating several “pinch points.” His previous carrier was letting claims drag on for months or years—driving up his work comp costs. Since partnering with ICW Group, he’s built a proactive safety program that has reduced safety risks and lowered work comp costs.

Melissa Takeda of Options for Learning's customer testimonial page.

Options for Learning

Melissa Takeda
Human Resources Director
Covina, CA

As a nonprofit, Melissa operates a very lean budget. Impressed with ICW Group’s personalized services and fast claim closures, she decided to continue her partnership with ICW Group. Despite it not being the cheapest policy, Melissa was confident that her existing relationship with ICW Group would yield long-term cost savings.

Annie D'Alessandro of Wilson Way Tire Company's customer testimonial page.

Wilson Way Tire Company, Inc.

Anne D'Alessandro
Vice President
Stockton, CA

Anne’s tire retread facility is one of the highest rated class codes in California. Her frustration with carriers who didn’t take the time to understand her business, ended when her agent advised her to partner with ICW Group. Anne continues to be impressed with ICW Group’s knowledge and dedication to Wilson Way Tire.

Jeff Lindeman of San Diego County Regional Airport Authority's customer testimonial page.

San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

Jeff Lindeman
Director, Human Resources
San Diego, CA

Running an international airport requires a highly skilled team of people working at peak performance. Thanks to ICW Group and his trusted work comp agent, Jeff implemented a comprehensive program that helps his employees leave work each day, as healthy, if not a little healthier, then when they arrived.