Our Phone Systems Are Back Up!
We appreciate your patience and understanding during the recent outage caused by our phone provider's widespread outage. We’re happy to be fully operational again and ready to assist you!
Our Phone Systems Are Back Up!
We appreciate your patience and understanding during the recent outage caused by our phone provider's widespread outage. We’re happy to be fully operational again and ready to assist you!
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HR OnDemand is powered by ThinkHR, which provides practical human resources information and guidance based upon its experience in the industry and its experience with its clients. These services are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice and are designed to provide general information to human resources and/or business professionals regarding human resources situations commonly encountered.
Given the changing nature of federal, state and local legislation and the changing nature of court decisions, ICW Group Holdings, Inc., its subsidiaries, and ThinkHR cannot and will not guarantee that the information is completely current or accurate. These services do not include or constitute legal, business, international, regulatory, insurance, tax or financial advice. Use of HR OnDemand and related services, whether by phone, email or via the website shall indicate your acceptance of ThinkHR’s Terms of Services.
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