You may or may not have heard the term “SIU” in the past. SIU is an acronym for Special Investigations Unit. Special Investigations Units are insurance carrier personnel responsible for investigating workers’ compensation claims believed to be fraudulent. These units also refer cases to law enforcement for prosecution consideration. An SIU trains insurance carrier employees to identify red flags on insurance claims or policies, referring their concerns to the SIU when appropriate.

SIU teams are typically made up of individuals with law enforcement, analytics, legal, and/or claims handling backgrounds. Most importantly, they must have a demonstrated passion and aptitude for fraud fighting. SIUs act as the bridge between insurance carriers and law enforcement and between employers and law enforcement. SIUs are commonly called to testify in criminal cases and provide investigative support and recommendations surrounding civil cases that carriers may need to file versus unscrupulous medical providers, copy services, language translation firms, or legal service providers.

Your SIU team

ICW Group’s Special Investigations Unit can be reached directly if you have additional questions, concerns about a claim, or concerns over the activities of a service provider on a claim:

Fraud Hotline: 855-ICW-FRAUD (429-3728)

For more information regarding ICW Group’s Special Investigations Unit, including educational and anti-fraud resources, visit our Policyholder Center. We also invite you to watch our anti-fraud webinar series for additional information.