Earthquake FAQ’s

What is a DIC policy?

DIC (Difference in Conditions) insurance provides coverage designed to close specific gaps in standard insurance policies and is usually available for larger industrial or commercial risks. It allows coverage to be customized to extend to such exposures as water damage, flood, collapse, earthquake, landslide, etc., according to the insured’s needs.

DIC coverage may be provided by means of a separate insurance policy or it may be added by endorsement to the basic policy.

Does ICW Group insure personal lines property exposures?

All of our products offer coverages for commercial property exposures only.

What is Reinsurance?

Reinsurance is insurance that an insurance company buys for its own protection. The risk of loss is spread so a disproportionately large loss under a single policy doesn’t fall on one company.

Reinsurance enables an insurance company to expand its capacity; stabilize its underwriting results; finance its expanding volume; secure catastrophe protection against shock losses; and/or withdraw from a line of business or a geographical area within a specified time period.

What classes of business does ICW Group write?

All business and construction types are open for consideration.

Who can I contact to get more information?

For more information about our programs, Contact Us.